
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Reconnecting the Disconnected Interviewee

     One of my all time favorite movies as a child, 'Annie' with Aileen Quinn! I remember watching the events leading up to the production, the casting calls and the announcement that she got the role. We got Annie!
    One of the songs the orphans sing is, 'You're never fully dressed without a smile.' A smile goes a very long way and can change one's first impression and last impression. It's part of manners; good old-fashioned manners. It's something just about everyone can do and to be honest, in an interview it's very important.
     We interviewed a candidate last month for a position. They did well in the interview but came across as socially disconnected. No smile, eye-contact or energy. They were very professional and full of experience. That one us over. I always count on 'stage freight' from interviewees so I chalked it up to that and suggested a second interview. However, the eye-contact, no smile bothered me. A LOT!
     The second interview went well and we made an offer. They showed up for orientation and everything was fine. The start date was a few days later and they 'no-showed' on us. Nice. I gave them the benefit of the doubt and nothing. Two weeks later (yesterday) I got a call,

'Hi, this is Shelly!'
'Hi,' they say.
'Ok. Am who am I speaking with?' I asked.
'I'm returning your call.'
'I'm sorry, but you're going to have to give me your name.' (Really?)
'Oh, this is _________. You called me?'
'Well, _________ yeah, I did. I called you quite a few times. Is everything alright?' I incredulously ask.
'Yes. I just got a new phone today. My phone wasn't working.' (You've got to be kidding me!)
'Well, _________ I sent out a letter after the multiple calls inquiring if you were still interested in the position. You were supposed to start two weeks ago. What's going on?' (Again, benefit of the doubt, but now their going to have to convince me they got lost in a time warp because I'm that close to terming them over the phone now!)
'Oh, I was sick.'
'Ok, were you hospitalized? Did you think to call? Listen, to be honest ________ I'm not sure this is going to work. I'm going to have to call you tomorrow after I think about this but I can tell you I'm not convinced you're the right fit.'
All I got from him at that point was, 'Ok. I'm sorry.' Nope, not gonna work. Literally! Keep reading...

     See, I had that feeling. When someone fails to make eye-contact and doesn't smile it pretty much tells me that you're disconnected socially, and possibly, emotionally. If you want a job, REALLY WANT A JOB then don't bomb the interview with failing to connect emotionally and socially. If it goes against your personality (at this point I'd have to ask if you're ready to enter the workforce) then you better do some serious inventory of what you feel you will bring to the table as a robot. The workforce, in general, is full of people. Real people who are loud, energetic, broken, distraught, money hungry, stressed out, driven and sometimes psychotic! If you can't handle that you might want to take some Dale Carnegie courses.
     My gut reaction was spot on! You will be flushed out if you can't do some of the following:
1. Have a firm handshake ready. If you're palms sweat, carry a tissue in your pocket and use it! Put one in each pocket and grasp them until you walk in the room. You'll just look like you're casually standing there with your hands in your pockets waiting for an interview. Shake hands!
2. Smile! If you have nice teeth, show those pearly whites off! If they lack star power, a closed mouth smile is appropriate. We're all judged by our appearance. You need to be self aware of your short comings. It's realistic. You still need to smile and it should reach your eyes. This shows them it's genuine. Think of something amusing, a happy moment from your past, the hot guy/girl you met at Starbucks yesterday, ANYTHING! Use it and make it connect with your whole body.
3. Don't stare! You want to keep eye contact but not look like a wax figure. Stay focused and listen attentively. If your mind wanders distract yourself by clearing your throat, adjusting your feet, nod your head, etc. These little tricks help YOU from sitting too still. You don't want them rushing over to take your pulse.
4. Don't fidget! If you have nervous habits: nail biting, crossing/recrossing your legs, shaking your leg/foot, running you hand through your hair, biting your lip, even excessive's all distracting. Get rid of these habits and don't bring them to the interview. Hold something in your hand, like a pen, to keep your hands from shaking. Wear lipstick/chapstick to keep from biting or licking your lips. Make sure your eyes are dry and your contacts are fresh, glasses clean if your blinking is for dry eye or dirty lenses. Shaking leg? Cross your legs at the ankles.

    Always keep focused above anything else. It's ok to ask questions (it's even ok to ask them if it's ok to take notes and you'd like to ask questions at the end). In my next blog I'd like to cover interviewing skills 101 and how to make it all about you! It's your time to shine and your moment in the spot light. You're selling yourself!

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