
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

For pete's sake, please wear clothes!

What to wear...what to wear...
     It's all that I can think of when I'm running around the house in the morning before work. I have more work clothes than play. I'm ok with that because I like to dress for the job I want, not the job I have (although the job I have requires me to step it up so that's my excuse for buying new clothes..haha). Dress for the job you want. Great advice, but what does this mean to the interviewee?
     A few times a year, during hiring season, I try to look past the candidate's choice of attire. Let's be honest, they are here because they need a job. They need to provide for their families and put food on the table. I understand that and it thrills me to provide them with employment. However, I'm a lone reed in my opinion. My job here is to tell you what you 'should' do in every situation.
     We all have clothes that we bum around the house in or throw on to run to the store. I'll even go as far as saying you may have clothes you would wear to the bar or dancing (at a dance club, not the OTHER kind of dance clothes! FOCUS!). These are the kind of clothes that stay in your closet when going to a job interview.
     If, at any time, you find yourself...let's say, in a cape or wearing a tiara, you're over thinking it. Whether your interviewing for a corporate position (if this is the case you're too smart...why are you reading my blog?) business attire is required. There should be no question about it. If it's a management position I would recommend the same attire, no matter what company. But what about a sales position or part-time at McDonald's? Business casual is considered fine.The main thing to do is visit the company and see what their current employees are wearing and dress a step above that. If money is the object and the job requires you investing in some new pieces there are non-profit organizations that can get your started. (If you want the information just let me know)
     The point is, you never want them to notice that you have clothing on. It should never be a barrier for you in the interview. The idea is to draw their attention away from what you're wearing. I notice holes, stains, wrinkles and dirty shoes. You should always wear your best and be freshly showered. And for pete's sake please wear clothes!

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