
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Truth at Target

I love Target. Love, love, love Target! Here's what makes me not want to shop there again.
     I'm standing in line to purchase my amazing deals (cool clothes) and I'm next to cash out. The cashier is very chatty with the lady in front of me buying a pop. I'm buying $100 worth of clothing made in 'Whoknowswhere'. As I walk up and look in her face to reply to her, 'Hi! How are you today? Did you find everything you were looking for? Oh, what a cute top!' I'm ignored. She's still chatting with the Pop Lady who, as I come to find out, is the head-cashier. They chit-chat about this-and-that for the entire duration of my check out experience. I am told the damage and I swipe my card. (All the while paying very close attention to what's transpiring in front of me)
     I'm not one to complain aloud, grip to the poor soul with the screaming two-year-old behind me or go online and post on their website just to get a survey to win a free gift card. I'm one to blog about it! ; ) So, the point of this is when your boss isn't watching, or when your boss is the problem, you always have a choice. If you want to keep a job and find joy in making a living, keep your nose clean and always take the high road. Think of who signs your paycheck. In this case, I sign hers and I'm more important than a bottle of pop and a few minutes of 'water-cooler gossip'. There's a time and a place.
     Respect the customer.    
     Do your best.
     Think outside the box.
     Never let them see you cry! (That one is for Christie)
     Always take the high road.
     Honesty is the best policy.
     Keep your nose clean.
     There's no 'i' in team.
     There are a thousand like them and a million more we don't know. Truth is, you know what to do. There's truth in each of us just dying to get out. Embrace it and see where it takes you.

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